Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Coral Pink Sand Dunes

Coral Pink Sand Dunes is small State Park located between roads 89 and 389 near Kanab.
Because I've seen a lot of nice pictures from this place, we decided that it could be a good opportunity for photographing. Unfortunately life is different than belief. Until now it's the most disappointing place on our trip. Dunes itself are really very interesting and their color in the evening sun reminds different shades of pink. But in the category of photographic opportunity I would give 0 points to this place. That's because here is America and dunes are for everyone (except photographers!) - it means you can ride over them with quads and damage everything what wind created. So finally you have nice dunes with even nicer traces of quad's tires. What's worse walking on the dunes can be dangerous - quads are everywhere and sometimes can collide with people - it's crazy idea. It should be designated area for quads and rest of dunes should be left for people and photographers, but american people think different. What a pity...

1 comment:

Mike said...

Hmm, no entries in your blog for a while... I hope You haven't landed at the Indian pyre... I know there are bison burgers but haven't heard about human one! Let's believe they would realize how badly Polish photographer could taste.